Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Office Tips

Going green is not only limited to your personal life but is applicable to your professional life as well. Your office is where you spent a large part of the day and therefore there is no better place to inculcate these green habits into your lifestyle. Not only should you make a conscious effort to follow these but also make your colleagues do the same. Some of these green office tips are bound to help.

Here are some tips from the green police:

  • Switch off the lights when you move out of your cabin. Artificial lighting constitutes 44% of the total electricity consumption in offices and use as much natural lights as possible.
  • It has been estimate that computers take up $1 billion worth of electricity. Therefore you should always switch off your computer when not in use. Make it a point to switch off the monitor when your computer lies idle for a while.
  • Try and take prints on both sides of a sheet so that you do not waste paper. Try and minimize your paper usage as much as possible by taking most of your work online.
  • Go for office stationery that is made out of recyclable materials.
  • Travel to work via public transport and save fuel in the process.

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