Monday, January 25, 2010


Individuals who believe and advocate environmentalism are referred to as environmentalists. Environmentalism deals with the various factors that have an adverse impact on environment.

Given the way the environment is getting affected in the present day, environmentalists are the people who vouch to stand up for environmentalism, preach, teach and act to stop environmental degradation.

If you love your planet and if you want to protect your environment, the green police encourage you to be an environmentalist too. If all individuals stand up for environment protection and fight against all the issues that harm the environment and life of all living organisms, the planet will be a more beautiful place.

Factory wastes, use of plastic, cutting down of trees, dumping garbage, pollution, genetic modification of vegetables, global warming etc. are all reasons of environmental degradation. The more people become aware of the adverse effects that these have on the environment and the damage it does to us and our future generations, the faster they will act to prevent it. Issues like illiteracy, poverty, lack of hygiene are also taken up by the environmentalists as these problems are often lead to environmental problems.

Environmentalists not only act themselves against these issues and many more, they also spread awareness among the masses.

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