Monday, January 18, 2010

Animals That Are Endangered

Animals that are endangered today can be extinct animals tomorrow, so it is up to the human beings to help save the animals and stop them from being extinct. Our future generations need to know the value as well as the presence of the animals that we today know as rare or on the verge of extinction and the ecological balance also have to be maintained, there fore animals are an important requirement of Earth.

Animals that are endangered are usually very few in numbers are gradually becoming fewer due to human activities like poaching, over exploitation of animals such as whaling and killing for the animal body parts, as well as destruction of vast stretches of forest land that is the habitat of several animals. Diseases also are responsible for certain animals being on the verge of extinction. Global warming is another menace that threatens the existence of both animals and humans.

According to the green police, animals that are endangered include the Asian orangutan, Atlantic salmon, elephants, polar bears, koalas, marine turtles, rhinoceros, giant panda, Siberian tiger, gazelle, komodo dragon, leopard, tapir and several other animals.

The US Fish & Wildlife Service, Division of Law Enforcement has come with several laws that are for the protection of the endangered species of animals.

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