Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Environmental Movement

The environmental movement is actually a diverse social, political and scientific movement for addressing the issues of the environment. Note that the environmental movement is represented by very small as well as very large organizations.

It is a drawback that the environmental movement is not always united its goals for the only reason that it comes with a large membership, speculative nature occasionally and strong beliefs that keep varying. An environmental movement may be led by politicians, extremists, environmentalists, religious devotees, professionals and the private citizens.

The green police believe that the environmental movement or the green movement should begin at home; every human being is responsible for the conservation of energy at home, for reducing the waste of water as much as possible, minimizing the usage of plastic bags as much as possible, growing more trees and reducing the number of trees that are felled, and several other environment friendly activities. Killing of animals should stop for saving the creatures from extinction and for maintaining the ecological balance of Earth.

With global warming becoming a threat to the existence of humans, animals, and all the inhabitants of Mother Earth, it is high time that human beings start being involved in environmental activities striving towards making the Earth a better, cleaner and greener place to live in.

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