Monday, January 25, 2010

Green Gifts

We are often at a loss while selecting a gift for someone. Why not choose a unique gift this time around so that the recipient treasures it for the rest of his or her life. Green gifts are slowly picking up momentum these days when everyone wants to chip in with their contribution to making the Earth a cleaner and greener place to live in. If you want to be in the same league that try presenting some of these green gifts to your loved ones. Bamboo is one of those products which is been increasingly used these days for creating different artifacts and even fabrics. So you choose a show piece or a piece of furniture made of bamboo or even a dress made of fabrics derived out of bamboo pulp as a gift.

The green police suggest that a great green gift for a fitness enthusiast would be yoga mats or clothes made of eco-friendly material such as jute. Materials like organic cotton, hemp and harvested wood are used for making even skateboards and snowboards. You can also go for a cycle or a bike that is an environmental friendly vehicle. Gadget freaks need not be disappointed when it comes to green gifts. Leading manufactures have come up with devices that make use of minimal energy. So go ahead and select one for your loved ones!

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