Thursday, January 28, 2010

Global Environment

The global environment is a family determined by the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and even the climatic components. Our natural environment basically comprises of the ecological aspects which takes in the wide scale application of animals, microorganisms, vegetation, atmosphere, rocks, soil and other natural processes. Climatic changes are bringing in the most progressive transformations in the Global Environment. This is resulting in temperatures above or below normal, change of directions in the ocean and wind currents, delay of seasons, insufficient and inappropriate tenure of climatic phenomenon and increase in the hazards and disasters.

The Global environment is also affected by the physical and chemical reaction in the form of wind, water, air, energy, radiation, heat, magnetism and so on. According to the green police, in the past few decades the global environment is changing with alarming rates and alterations in all the above mentioned units have been spotted. The Global Environment is now facing grave difficulties in pertaining to its form because of numerous harmful impacts. On one hand the natural environment is getting modified by advance technologies while on the other it is getting degraded by acid rain, soil erosion, desertification, soil infertility, man imposed chemical and nuclear effects, etc. The overall health of both plant and animal life is going down considerably. The store of non-renewable resources is getting evacuated. More and more animals are approached by extinction.

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